Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

18th December..... Roostin' Wrens.

Leaning on our gate at 7-15am listening to the day waking, 3 Robins singing, Blackbird cluckking & distant Chickens also greeting the day, in the corner of my eye, caught sight of a Wren as it left it's night time roost site, the open fronted nest box on the side of the house, which hosted a pair of Robins as they made a failed breeding attempt during the Spring, 2 more Wrens quickly followed.
Cleaning out this box featured on my "to do" list of boxes to tidy up, will have to leave this one to the Spring now, as don't want to upset their Winter roost site, as suspect other birds will join them once the cold sets in, but doubt the numbers will match the 18 birds which crammed into one of our House Martin nests about 10 years back causing it to collapse under the strain.


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