Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

HS2 : Badgers.

Well it's another Sunday morning & for the fifth week in a row we find ourselves, yet again some how involving HS2 in our roamings, more of that later.
We started off with a wander around The Lee, where one local land owner has begun putting down seed for the Finches etc, with only a Robin & a single Chaffinch taking advantage as we passed by.
Further on at least 14 Yellowhammers, c20 Chaffinch, 8 Goldfinch & a lone Greenfinch continually returned to the hedgerow in between feeding forays out into the fields. 22 Redwings flew over, as a flock of 12 Meadow Pipits rose from the tussocky grass in their usual bouncy flight.The stubble fields held a few more Redwings, c20 Chaffinch, c10 Starling, 26 Skylarks which have been here for several weeks numbers always remaining constant & 95 Fieldfares now in their second week.
Fieldfares watching the stubble.
Then it was onto HS2 & checking on Badgers again, this time a sett that has been undisturbed so far, but it's close to the line so expect it's fate is sealed. Will end up like ones we've come across before, blocked & covered in netting. HS2 have a thing about netting.
Plenty of activity here.
Discarded bedding material.
Talking of latrines, our local Tawny Owls seem to be spending a lot of the night perched low down in the trees, judging by the concentration of the splatter on the branches & the ground below.
Stewart's just texted to say, he's had an early Christmas present : a Weasel in his garden, just outside the window.
Had an early present here as well, 3 male Bullfinches on the feeder together, that's a first, accompanying a single female.
Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

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