Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

HS2 Hedgerows.

I recently discovered the fate of the hedgerows adjoining the project at The Lee; those that are ripped from the earth are to be replanted on completion, these being 100's of years old, just as important as Ancient Woodland, others are to be NETTED, depriving Farmland birds of food, shelter & nesting sites, which will be devastating for Yellowhammers, Linnets, Dunnocks, Bullfinches & summering Whitethroats along with a host of other more common birds which are to be found in the hedgerows.
There's a potential for wildlife to become entangled in the netting, suffering a slow & pain full death, particularly Sparrow Hawks as they patrol along the hedgerows in search of prey & Owls, Badgers & Foxes on their nightly excursions, as the sites will be quiet & deserted.
If it's planned for here, presumably it's a practice to be used for the entire route.
Farmland birds are already in decline, with the help of HS2 we can accelerate that decline....

Met up with Robert today, he explained that the hedgerow pictured below which runs for a distance of .75 miles (1.2km) through the middle of his farm is one of those to be NETTED. It's a farm I know well having recorded 51 species of birds here in the last ten years.

This is sort of how it will look in future with the orange NETTING they (HS2) use, once in place, apart from being a complete eye sore, will be totally disastrous for WILDLIFE, this practice needs to be STOPPED...  email Wild Justice https://wildjustice.org.uk/contact/  or ReThink HS2 https://rethinkhs2.org/ 
As I walked a short way along the hedge a couple of Yellowhammers flew out, while three Roe Deer contentedly sat out in the middle of the field on the spot where the line will pass through. In an adjoining field three more Roe Deer fed, along with a flock of approximately 50 Chaffinches & 27 Skylarks, which at some point will take advantage of the stubble on offer here.

Back in 2018 Stewart photographed this Whitethroat, which bred in the hedgerow up at South Heath behind what used to be Weights & Measures Gym, it had just returned after making it's epic annual migration from it's Wintering grounds in Africa, so what's going happen this Spring on it's return?? The beginnings of a ------- great hole in the ground...... the entrance to the Chilterns Tunnel. Bit like returning home from a pleasant holiday to find your house has been burnt down......
.... Disturbing & Distressing.

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