Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, December 19, 2019

HS2 : Badger Exclusion.

HS2 are currently involved in excluding Badgers from their setts under licence between Wendover & Great Missenden (London to Birmingham), this is basically done by fitting one way gates over the holes, so as the Badgers can exit the sett & not re-enter. After a period 21 days the holes are filled in & covered with strong netting. HS2 are using Chain Link fencing.
Things aren't going smoothly for HS2 at present, in the last couple of days they entered land without permission cut down hedging one day, blocked up holes next, then returned on the following day (today) to remove the netting & apologised for their behaviour, it's a bit late now as damage has been done. Second occasion they've trespassed on property in the area without permission in the last few weeks.
As if that wasn't bad enough they've had to apologise for entering Calvert Jubilee Nature Reserve without permission & destroying valuable wildlife habitat. Total incompetence, with plenty more to come I suspect.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have until recently supported all efforts to StopHS2 but have come across some very worrying information. The use of one-way gates is used to stop badgers re-entering setts because they have other setts they can use and also because artifical setts are being made for them. The ground around the setts with one way out gates is covered in wire mesh to stop badgers digging new entrances. However, it is claimed that some HS2 protestors, who think of themselves as badger "protectors," are wiring the gates so they stay open. In doing this they are endangering the animals they think they are protecting. See this tweet: https://twitter.com/LuciferSide/status/1323779406633046016?s=20
