Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, March 30, 2020

23rd - 27th March..... View from the Window, Lockdown Birding.

With the current lockdown in place in response to this epic pandemic that's bring the world to it's knees, only beening allowed out for one form of exercise a day, wildlife watching is restricted to the garden & the short walk, which is frustrating now that a White-tailed Sea Eagle has turned up in the area, still there's plenty of internet activity with various web cams & others such as Chris Packham's daily quiz to occupy the mind, as does the garden where I'm busy removing the netting from the base of the hedge which prevented our old dog from escaping & is now just a hazzard to wildlife.
Inbetween times quite a bit has turned up in the garden when I've watched from the window.
The resident pair of Bullfinches are still daily feeding below the feeders.
Where the Blackbirds are ever present, a male has been seen gathering food, so must have a nest nearby, this female appears to be keeping a watchful eye on the sky...
... just as well, as this week this Sparrow Hawk has visited the garden on several occasions, so far to no avail, did make one clumsy attempt at a Great Tit in a bush.
Mallards are coming close to the house early in the mornings.
As did these two ladies late one afternoon.
Jackdaws are busy squabbling over nest sites on nearby chimneys.

The weather has been nice & sunny, which has brought out the Butterflies, with Brimstone seen daily, along with fleeting climpses of Small Tortiseshell & Peacock butterflies.
Nuthatches have sung daily from the Oaks, but still no Warblers, maybe they'll turn up this week.
Came across this Coltsfoot on one of my walks & found the first Bluebell just poking through, so all's not bad in the world.


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