Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 24th & 25th..... Signs of Spring.

24th: Had a blackcap visit the garden briefly first thing in the morning, later another summer visitor, a chiffchaff was heard when on a walk, again from home and while looking for it a muntjac appeared out of some dense brambles, stood for awhile, then disappeared back in.
Passed some goats enjoying the sunshine on our way back home and more ewes and their newly born lambs being turned out.
25th: Wednesday morning a pair of bullfinches were in the amelanchier eating the flower buds, oh well, I hoped they enjoyed them.
Lots of butterflies on our walk this morning, tortoiseshells feeding on the blackthorn flowers and basking warming themselves up in the sun, peacocks and plenty of  yellow brimstone butterflies on the wing.
Passed an arable field being worked with kites following the machinery looking for something to pick up and eat.
Later a bit of work in the garden watched by a robin along with this good looking frog in the undergrowth.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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