Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, March 27, 2020

23rd March..... Staying Close to Home.

Starling continuing to come close to feed on the fat balls. They  have been carrying nesting material into the box and the male bird often sings his song of whistles, squeaks and more unusual sounds , sometimes imitating other birds.
We often think there's a lapwing in the garden but it's the starling on top of the telegraph pole or tree.
Heard a raven passing over the garden early afternoon.
While looking up noticed four specks in the sky and with binoculars saw another raven in a thermal with two buzzards and a kite.
Later in the afternoon walked across the fields passing cowslips.
Wood anemones, primroses ,dog-violets and more.
Came across a field of newly turned out ewes and lambs enjoying the sun on their backs.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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