Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, March 1, 2020

26th February..... Ring Ouzel & Roe.

With the weather not too bad, dry with a cold wind, went to Pitstone Hill to try to see the wintering ring ouzel and stonechats. Keeping out of the cold wind I did come across two stonechats busily feeding and keeping low to the ground as were a few skylarks.

Spotted the ring ouzel feeding in the same spot as it's been seen all winter. Good numbers of gulls were feeding close to the sheep on the hill. A buzzard and two kites passed over.
Called into College Lake on way back home and highlights were a flock of 90 plus lapwings feeding on the ground above the shoreline where a redshank and green sandpiper were also searching for food, distant on the far north west shore, but still good to watch, as were a pair of oystercatchers on the south island, also busy probing for food. Stewart. 

After a brief  sleet shower in the afternoon, Stewart, Mike & myself checked out the fields behind our house, where we came across these 3 Roe Deer bounding towards us, which we later found out had been flushed by Tom whilst he was walking the dog two fields away.
The highlight being 2 Skylarks rising up from the pasture & descending again, the first sighting I've had of Skylarks on the ground here, though have seen plenty of fly overs.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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