Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

28th March.....Big Garden Sit Viz Mig Session.

This morning between the hours of 8 & 9am Stewart & myself took part in the Big Garden Sit Viz  along with others in Bucks & the surrounding Counties, noting down the birds seen in, over & from our gardens, a survey which will take place every Saturday throughout April.

Here are my sightings: 
Wood Pigeon 4
Blue Tit on feeders
Great Tit pair on feeders
Blackbird resident pair, male was gathering food yesterday, but not this morning.
Bullfinch resident pair under feeders.
Dunnock resident pair under feeders
Robin resident pair.
Chaffinch female on feeder.
Nuthatch on feeder.
Red Kite 2 over.
Jackdaw over.
Carrion Crow over.
Magpie in neighbouring garden.
Long tailed Tit 2 on feeder, only just crept in as time up bell rang.


Moorhen   3
Jackdaw     14
Carrion crow  1
Pheasant       4f 1m
Wood pigeon 2
Stock dove     1
Magpie          1
Kite                1
Starling           2
Blackbird         1f 1m
Nuthatch         1
Dunnock          3
Robin                3
Wren                1
Chaffinch          5
Goldfinch          2
Great tit             2
Blue tit              5
Coal tit              1
Long-tailed tit     2

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