Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

22nd July..... Pond Life.

During the afternoon I decided to clear the grass roots from the pond's edge, hoping to stop the water draining down to fast, this disturbed a tiny froglet. I've always wanted to get the classic Frog on a Lily pad photo, so dashed in to grab the camera, thought it had gone on my return, but being so small ( the size of my thumb nail) I had over looked it. There were about half a dozen in total. 

Pond Skaters creating more Pond Skaters.
A short while later Sprawky our resident Sparrow Hawk dropped by for a quick bathe, departing to the trees to dry off, a female Bullfinch took a bath along with Blackbirds, Blue & Great Tits. Two Common Blues were dancing over the front grass, while a Holly Blue, Gate Keeper, Meadow Browns & Small Whites were at the back of the house.
Around nine o'clock the juvenile Tawny Owl was chased through the garden by seemingly every Blackbird in the area, what a racket!!


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