Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Notes from a Natural Garden June 2018.

1st Painted Lady on the wing in Stewart’s garden along with 20 Starlings, Heron stealthily creeping around the ponds, Common Spotted Orchid in full flower in front lawn; 2nd adult & juvenile Grey Wagtail in Chesham Town Hall car park, plenty of deceased Damsel Flies floating on the ponds, attracting the Newts to come & nibble at them, good to hear from a lady who has a family of Hedgehogs resident in a local garden, she’s doing all things possible to facilitate them, as they’re increasingly under threat from the constant urbanisation & sterile environment created by the over use of garden pesticides/herbicides/slug pellets/fences, could easily be on the verge of extinction in the UK in the next 50 years, juvenile Tawny Owl still remains vocal & invisible in it’s nearby tree roost, 2 Roe Deer stags watching us on a sunset walk; 3rd Stewart has a female Grey Wagtail at Kings Ash, the garden is alive with the sound of noisy family parties of Blue & Great Tits foraging in the leaf canopy, they’ve had a successful spring with 2 pairs of each species occupying our bird boxes, while Stewart has a pair of each on either side of his shed; 5th Common Blue makes it 19 species of   Butterfly recorded in the garden, the government announces plans for a 3rd runway at Heathrow Airport, thought the idea was for less air pollution.. let’s all slowly suffocate together as a nation.
Common Blue Copyright : Don Stone.
 6th Speckled Wood, cheepin’ sounds from the front hedge reveal the location of a second Dunnocks nest, Juvenile Tawny Owl still callin’ from it’s hideaway; 7th Stewart’s Robins are busy incubating their 2nd brood, as are ours; 8th 2 pairs of House Martins are feeding chicks; 10th 93 Common Spotted Orchid spikes in the Lee Church yard, (Mary Dwight would have been proud of these), while we have 3 in flower:
Common Spotted Orchid   Copyright : Don Stone
12th a Southern Hawker emerging from the nymph stage nearly came a cropper when I opened our gate as it was doing its thing on the latch; Becky comes across a mother Mallard & her brood of 4 ducklings as they pop through the roadside hedge at Humphreys Corner; the governments forces of environmental destruction (HS2) are slowly beginning to ravage the area; 13th a pair of House Martins feeding young in the nest at Hunts Green with a pair of Pied Wagtails under the eaves for neighbours; 14th thanks to Stewart we were able to identify a Vapourer moth caterpillar we found in Wisteria with amazing yellow punk     haircut.
Southern Hawker  Copyright : Don Stone.
Vapourer Moth Caterpillar  Copyright : Tom Stone.
 15th stunning sight of crimson Poppies in crop field on the fringes of Chesham; 16th 22 Common Terns at Weston Turville Reservoir.     
Common Tern         Copyright : Don Stone.
17th Fiona & Mark apparently don’t  need an alarm clock as a Crow taps on their window early in the morning, no doubt checkin’ it’s reflection first thing in the day as we do ourselves; 15th stunning sight of crimson Poppies in crop field on the fringes of Chesham; 16th 22 Common Terns at    Weston Turville Reservoir.    A Marbled White & a cluster of Pyramidal Orchids found by Stewart at Potter Row; 17th Red Admiral & Meadow Brown, Yarrow in flower, pair of Swallows in neighbouring stables; 19th plenty of activity in Stewarts garden with Juvenile Moorhens, Greenfinches & Great Spotted Woodpecker, along with a second brood of newly hatched Robins.       
Great Spotted Woodpeckers       Copyright : Stewart Dennis
21st Clean Air Day, a day to make us aware of air pollution & how we can lessen our impact, walk/train/cycle instead of drive, plant trees, get that boiler serviced so the fumes don’t annoy the neighbours etc; 22nd been pleased to contribute to Mini Beasts week at Lee Common School, got to start them young, suppose that’s where I started, remember with those nature walks down to the woods behind school & the bird table balanced on the hedge beside the glass room, Purple Loosestrife in flower; 23th Blackcap, Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker; 24th the Robins have all died in the nest, on a brighter note…751 Pyramidal & 4 Common Spotted Orchids on the grass verge of the Old Amersham exit of the Shardeloes roundabout, with many more dotted along the Amersham by-pass, playing host to 8 Ringlets, 4 Marbled Whites, 6 Meadow Browns & a stunning male Banded Demoiselle. Thanks to some sterling work by Neil Jackson at The Chilterns Conservation Board liaising with Transport for Buckinghamshire, only a minimum amount of grass will be cut on the verge to protect the Orchids, 
Pyramidal Orchid  Copyright : Don Stone.
Sprawky catches a snack in Stewart’s garden.25th Spotty returns, male Spotted Flycatcher singing loud & proud in the front garden early morning, 26th Spotty joined by his mate, as they sit together on the gate, Betony starting to bloom, 10 screaming Swifts over Old Amersham, where a family party of Goldcrests fed in Conifers; 28th Juvenile Goldfinch at pond, 2 Swifts heading east; 29th 14 Swifts heading east over Chesham at midday, first brood of House Martins fledge from under our eaves … Ease off the Pressure.
Banded Demoiselle  Copyright : Stewart Dennis

Sparrow Hawk  Copyright : Stewart Dennis
That’s the end of the monthly nonsense, now I will post as & when.

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