Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, July 6, 2018

Finemere Wood, 4th July.

Today my wife and I spent a hot few hours at BBOWT’s Finemere Wood looking for Purple Emperors, no joy. Did find a very worn White Admiral and what I think was a female Ruddy Darter a bit confusing as it’s yellow. Many other butterflies about all very active in the heat. Various skippers too quick for me to give positive ID.
Photos of  Ringlets, Gatekeeper and Silver-washed Fritillaries and the Darter. Other butterflies seen Brimstone x3, Marbled and Large Whites and Meadow Browns all in good numbers. Heard Chiffchaff and Blackcap.
At home today found another Silver Washed Fritillary ( poss. Female....greener underwings ? ) just where the HS2 haul road will come up from the Great Missenden roundabout. Also bullfinches still searching for Amelanchier berries and at the feeders two males taking turns to feed ...  all very friendly.

Ringlets  Copyright : Stewart Dennis

Gate Keeper  Copyright : Stewart Dennis

Silver-washed Fritillary  Copyright : Stewart Dennis

Silver-washed Fritillary  Copyright : Stewart Dennis

Darter   Copyright : Stewart Dennis

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