Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

31st July..... Chiffchaff & Frog.

It’s good to have the young Chiffchaffs back searching through the fennel just 5 mtrs from the back door. So busy feeding and completely ignoring me. Later walked along the Misbourne to Shardeloes Lake and watched a young Spotted Flycatcher catching flies at the west end of the lake.

Copyright : Stewart Dennis.
Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Copyright : Stewart Dennis.         

As I ate my dinner a Frog leaped along the drive, resting in the middle, after half an hour it still remained in the same spot. Preventing it becoming the dogs dinner, I went & helped it on it's way, after grabbing the following images.

Copyright : Don Stone.

Copyright : Don Stone.

Copyright : Don Stone.

Copyright : Don Stone.

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