Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, July 12, 2018

College Lake, 10th July.

We had a trip out this morning to BBOWT College Lake, much more comfortable in the cooler weather of today. Headed towards the round hide and watched a large and very blue looking dragonfly  hawking at speed over the ditch on the right of the path, no ID. Then came across this lone ducking looking very lost. A reed warbler singing loudly a little further on. Best seats taken in the hide so moved on. Heard and saw a raven fly over. It was amusing to see maybe 30 Canada Geese popping their heads up and down in the annual wildflower meadow, having a beak full then popping up to see who’s watching. Good numbers of butterflies with gatekeepers possibly top with marbled white a close second. Others included meadow brown, ringlets, whites a few commas and only saw these two common blues, one male one female in different locations. Lots of blue damselflies about.
At home, there might have been a more sinister reason the frogs were jumping out of the pond the other day, saw a large grass snake in there this afternoon.
???? Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Common Blue Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Canada Geese Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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