Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, May 12, 2019

12th May..... Spotted Flycatcher.

Luckily I was delayed in going out this morning, if I'd left on time I would have missed one of my favourite sounds of summer, which is becoming all to rare, the song of the Spotted Flycatcher which I heard just as I opened the car door. It spent the next 20 minutes proclaiming it's arrival back at it's summer residence, from several high vantage points around the garden. Last year a pair only stayed for a day & moved on. Not sure what will happen this year as two of they're favourite trees came down in the winter.

Good numbers of Cuckoo Flower stems in the garden at present, which Stewart tells me is the food plant of the Orange Tip butterfly of which we have 4 on the wing in the garden at the moment.

This one's wings appear more yellow than orange... trick of the light.

This Whitethroat is back at it's regular nesting site.

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