Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

7th May..... Skylark Surprise.

Had an appointment mid morning, which meant a late start at work, so I was outside washing the car, when I heard a Skylark singing (unusual here at this time of year, only get a few passing over in the Autumn), glancing up I was surprised to see two heading east, with one of the birds constantly singing as they flew along.
In the evening I found a pair of Great Tits had utilized a knot hole in the cladding on our neighbours shed & were busy feeding the young within. Which means we now have this pair, two boxes with Blue & Great Tits using them, plus another pair of Blue Tits using the artifical House Matins nest under the eaves & another box in the neighbouring garden containing Blue Tits; all within a space of about 100 yards. Our Robins have now built a third nest & not used any of them yet, not sure what's going on with them, but they've now started engaging in courtship feeding again.

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