Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, May 30, 2019

28th May..... Back to the Garden.

With the crows now taking all the fat balls I had to try to dissuade them and found a plastic flower pot did the trick.....so far.
We have three blue tits nesting in the garden but unlike Don's blue tits mine have not fledged yet and watching the adults in and out of their boxes them alternating between foraging in the trees for caterpillars and visiting the fat balls to feed their young.
The great tits here that nested in a box that starlings used to nest in (hence the large hole) had their
nest raided by a great spotted woodpecker on  Saturday. My wife heard the commotion and saw the woodpecker with several well grown young great tits on the lawn and she thought the woodpecker left empty handed while the young great tits vanished into the borders.
A moorhen now is coming in regularly, picking up spilt food from the feeders and taking it away to feed it's young and if the crow flies in the moorhen sees it off.
On returning home from South Wales where ash dieback is taking hold, noticed  ash trees close to home looking not well at all. Stewart.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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