Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

1st May..... Blackbirds.

Female Blackbird continually returning to our  small pond, gathering up beak fulls of moss & flying the short distance to the Laurel hedge, where she first attempted to breed back in March, which I suspect was unsuccessful, as no youngsters were seen, she then built another nest & I believe this too was predated, as I found broken eggshells a few days back, so hopefully this is third time lucky. Chiffchaff quietly searching through the bushes this evening, while a Pied Wagtail sat briefly on the shed roof, before descending onto the lawn. Still no sightings of any House Martins under our eaves yet, sure they've never been this late in returning before, did see a few above the colony at Ballinger this evening.

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