Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, May 4, 2019

4th May..... Nesting Chiffchaff.

A Chiffchaff busied itself in the undergrowth early morning gathering up bits of nesting material, & continually flying to the same location in the garden, where I presume it's nesting, at one point it was struggling with a piece of Pigeons down half way up the conifer tree, but it proved to much & gave up. Over night a tall Cherry tree has toppled over, close to the Chiffy nest site, that will just have to wait a while until the youngsters have had chance to fledge, before I clear it up... more wood for the burner.
As I cut the lawn between showers this afternoon a pair of Dunnocks constantly scolded me every time I passed by, the reason finally became clear once I caught sigth of the newly fledged youngster.

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