Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, May 20, 2019

19th May..... Gallows Bridge; Greenshank & Curlew.

Set the alarm for 3-45am, but didn't need it. Dawn chorus being at full volume as I stepped outside at 4-40. As I journeyed over saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker on a roadside pole at Stoke Mandeville & Barn Owl over roadside field. Arrived at 5-45 to find Rob already set up in the second hide & the meadows shrouded in thick fog.

Could have left an hour & half later as it took it at least that long to lift; once it had things began to happen.

First in being a Greenshank, flew in calling from the entrance field direction for a wash & brush up.

Little Ringed Plover looking on.

A pair of distant Yellow Wagtails.
Two Curlews visited the pools, with one them taking a wash, followed by a spot of preening.

As I left at 9-15 a Little Egret flew in from the far side. Other birds of note: Lapwing, Reed Bunting, Willow Warbler, Sky Lark, Whitethroat, Yellow Hammer, Swallow & Linnet.

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