Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

27th October..... Bittern.

With yesterday being a right off, due to the seemingly constant rain, only venturing out to check out the Wildlife Photo Exhibition at The Elgiva, which is on 'til Saturday, I had plenty of energy to be up early this morning, with the clocks going back one hour meaning it was 5-15am for breakfast. Arriving at Calvert BBOWT Lake at 7-30 encountering frosty covering in places, Rob was already in the hide having been in residence since just before dawn.
The Bittern being out in full view at the edge of the right hand channel, though unfortunately partly obscured by a few over hanging reeds. What followed was some sort of waiting game between me & the Bittern as it basically remained rooted to the spot for the next hour, occasionally doing a spot of preening, neck stretching & looking around, in between times a couple of Little Grebes floated by the end of the left channel.
A Water Rail busied it self as it scurried along feeding at the waters edge; darting across the middle channel; through the reeds into the Bittern's channel, passing within feet of the still motionless Bittern, it was a game I didn't have the patience for, so I conceded; moving onto Gallows Bridge Farm to visit the new Seasonal Hide.
As I drove down the entrance track the sky was full of little black dots, as I parked up they descended in a line out towards the middle of the main meadow......
Starlings must have been the best part of two thousand birds, grab a couple of images, they were up again, down again, up again only settling for a minute or so, as they worked their way across the meadow & back again, this carried on for twelve minutes 'til they moved off  the reserve.
Numerous Meadow Pipits & Sky Larks could be seen as I wandered out to the Seasonal Hide.
As I climbed the steps I could see that a Barn Owl has taken a liking to the building. A female Stonechat worked it's way along the fence line.
Further out Lesser Black-backed Gulls gathered by a pool, Red Admiral flew along the hedgerow. Sparrow Hawk drifted over as I made my way back to the car, as did a Raven.
Back at home a Comma spent thirty minutes feeding on the Michaelmas Daisys 'til the sun put them in the shade.

29th October. c190 Wood Pigeons heading south between 7-00 & 7-20am.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

25th October..... Link Road Protest Success.

Heard the good news while at work today, that all the traffic cones had been removed from the Link Road, with HS2 & the County Council in retreat for now; while they come up with an alternative plan. Just goes to show how peaceful protest by those that genuinely care for the environment can have a positive effect to the good of everyone. Must remember though that this is HS2 & they could be back at anytime.
It seems that HS2 are not allowed to do anything 'til they can produce an ecological report, having failed to do any Bat survey work at all. I wonder at how many other sites they are getting away with such behaviour??
All to often we see Trees & Hedges ripped up by developers, with no respect for the environment, only have to look at Lee Common where many Trees/Hedges have gone in the last few years. Councils & Planning Officers need to get tougher on this problem or the rural landscape will soon resemble it's urban counter part. Luckily we still have the Rec/Allotments which we entrust to the Parish Council to manage in an environmentally sensitive way.


Friday, October 25, 2019

25th October..... Motorhead.

It's always a thrill when a photo is used in a publication, but on this occasion it's something special, a set of images used in the booklet to accompany the 40th anniversary re-issue today of Motorhead's classic album 'Over Kill' with a bonus CD  'Good 'n' Loud' recorded at Friars Aylesbury 31st March'79.

A few of the images from the booklet:

Copyright : Don Stone/BMG.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

20th October..... Sky Larks.

Before I left home this morning 11 Canada Geese went through south at 7-30am followed on the same route a while later by c40 Wood Pigeons. Spent 50 minutes down the track from 8-30am doing a spot of Migration watching, the high light being 14 Sky Larks; a single heading north, 2 north west & the largest flock I've encountered here 11 going north all birds directly over head. 11 Linnets headed west, 3 Greenfinch north, Sparrow Hawk drifted over mobbed by 12 Meadow Pipits, more Pipits could be seen on the distant fenceline at Lower Bassibones Farm, made my way round there picking up the 'scope on route, at least 20 were here on the fence & feeding on the pasture, along with a couple of Pied Wagtails, which seemed to be chasing any that remained to long on the fence, also a lone Yellowhammer.
The cattle field hosted a nice flock of Gulls, 18 Black-headed, 20 Lesser Black-backed & 2 Common, plus a couple of Pied Wags, flock of Starlings & Stock Doves.
9 Meadow Pipits were at Liberty's Nature Reserve, a bit of Starling movement over with 12 north, 4 west & 19 north west.
Came across these large Fungi:
If Stewart was here he would have identified them, but he's in Australia, by the look's of it he's havin' a Whale of a time:

21st October: First Fieldfares of the Autumn with c30 over the house at 8-30am heading south west.


Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

Monday, October 21, 2019

HS2 Water Supply.

According to an article in The Times Affinity Water have said they are unable to meet HS2's  water requirements; up to 8 million litres a day for 2 years during the construction of the tunnel under the Chilterns.
Sloganeer at work.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

19th October..... Link Road Protest.

Heard from a reliable source today that HS2 haven't a clue about the location of  the local Bat Roost sites.... there's a surprise. So could easily be in these trees, who knows.
Went down this morning to do a spot of tree decorating again, not to many folks there, guess there's no need with the Orange Android Army not working today.
Good to see the children dressing the trees as well, with one young lad there who my wife knows from her job at the local school, another fella came over from Chesham who coincidentally lives down the road opposite where we lived in our years in the town, he was checking it out as he intends to camp overnight tonight (probably there as I write this), as things start to get serious tomorrow.
Nice to talk to folks who obviously care about & appreciate the environment.
 You'd think with all these traffic cones blocking the junction folks would get the idea the road is closed to incoming vechicles, but no they still enter, with one car going in while I was there.


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Robin, Blue Tit & Blackcap Bathing.

18th October..... Roosting Tawnies.

My favourite birds have been flying into their daytime roost site most mornings this week at around 7-15am. The images below were taken at 5-15pm. You can just about make out both birds behind the foliage, it's the first time I've seen the pair so close together, usually about 4 foot apart.

Today & yesterday a couple of late House Martins have been high above Chesham Fishing Lakes. Migrant Redwings are back in the garden, 44 flew from the trees today.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

16th October..... Link Road Bats.

A lot of concern has been displayed on social media in the last few days about Bats down at the Link Road where HS2 should have begun felling trees yesterday, with protesters keeping them at bay.
This evening I joined a small group for an impromptu Bat Survey, using a Bat detector fitted to a mobile phone, which revealed the presence of three species : Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelle & Noctule.
HS2 have performed their own survey & know the local roost sites, which they're understandably keeping to themselves. This may only be feeding habitat, but if you remove the trees, the food source is gone, likewise the roosts......... Goodbye Bats.
Around 15 supporters were here this evening, with plenty of passing motorists showing their love & appreciation as they passed by with  friendly toot toots.
If your're on Facebook you can follow Alan Budgee Woodward for live updates.
Had to chuckle at his comment about the haul road being the Road to Nowhere; priceless.


Monday, October 14, 2019

10th October..... Jays

For the last three weeks we have been working on a property adjoining Chesham Fishing Lakes, on a daily basis Jays are crossing back & forth, presumably gathering acorns, max has been three in view at any one time, but today a line of five headed towards Chesham Bois. They were at tree top height, so pretty sure not migrants.
11th. Tawny flew into it's day time roost at 7-10am, ten minutes earlier approx 40 Canada geese went through heading west.
12th. 23 Redwings settled briefly in the garden.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

6th October..... Redwings Arrive.

The first Redwings of the Autumn arrived over our house this morning in groups of 2,12 & 4 heading west between 7-45 & 8-00am. Stewart also getting birds over his house at about the same time. Checked the fence line at Pednor in case any Chats were present, a Kestrel was using it as a hunting view point as it scanned the grass below.
Moved on to Liberty's Reserve were c60 Goldfinches seemed to be constantly in the air, a distant Chat appeared briefly on top of a Dock, I would have said Stonechat, but Stewart examined his images to reveal a Whinchat. A Kestrel hovered in the stiff breeze, at 11-10am 2 Swallows passed through heading south, followed 10 minutes later by 4 more on exactly the same course, in between times 8 Redwings went through heading north west, but us at an avian cross roads.
Further on 8 Skylarks were in a large field, all in two's chasing each other. Further on still & beyond the shelter of the trees the wind showed it's true strenght as 5 Buzzards circled at the end of a wood that pointed out into Wendover Dean, 2 Ravens were clearly enjoying the conditions as they part tumbled across the valley. Below them c300 Wood Pigeons fed on stubble, surely a bit early for such a gathering. Back in the village 12 Lesser Black-backed Gulls fed in the cow meadow.
The Redwing sighting being a day earlier than last year.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

4th October.... Roe Deer.

A young roe deer looking a bit lost among the tree guards this afternoon. Stewart.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Save Me.

This Tree is set to face the CHOP by HS2 in a weeks time at Great Missenden along with others in a road widening scheme, this particular one could be SAVED as it's being sacrificed in order to enlarge the entrance to the playing fields, which could easily be done by repositioning the exit verge, where there's only a couple of small bushes to remove. Or even better all work should cease until the out come of the current review of the project is announced.

3rd October..... Marsh Tit.

Have not seen the hawkmoth since last Sunday when it fed, left and returned for top ups from the cirsium several times, great to watch at close quarters. Also in the same area close to the back door a marsh tit has been busy feeding on honeysuckle berries. Interestingly the coal tits, blue tits and great tits leave the berries alone and last year, bullfinches fed regularly on the berries. Stewart.
Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

30th September..... Hummingbird Hawkmoth.

Had an interesting few minutes after lunch, as a marsh tit and this hummingbird hawkmoth turned up close to the back door.  

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Barrie Masters 1956 - 2019.

Saddened to hear the news on the radio while at work that Barrie Masters, lead singer with Eddie & The Hot Rods has passed away at the age of 63. The band with their high energy Rhythm & Blues  being one of my favourite live acts in the years after leaving school, would catch them as often as possible when they played locally, even further afield, remember Christmas Eve at the Round House back in '77, if my memory serves me well. Happy Days.
Photo's at Friars Aylesbury '79

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

More Migration.

24th September. Chesham Fishing Lakes : c80 House Martins feeding over Cresswell Road for 10 minutes from 10-30am before moving off south east, followed by flocks of 20 &10 heading in the same direction.
27th. Chesham Fishing Lakes : 56 House Martins moving up the Chess Valley between 1-20 & 1-45pm.
28th. Lee Common : Chiffchaff singing in the garden early morning, where a group of three Blackbirds passed over.
Pednor : A single Sand Martin hawking insects amongst c50 House Martins.
29th. Wilstone Reservoir : Twitched the Shag that had been brought down by the stormy weather. Flock of c100 Linnets near Wilstone village feeding in a tilled field along with a couple of Pied Wagtails & Meadow Pipits.
Wendover Dean : c30 House Martins moving down the Misbourne Valley.
Weston Turville Reservoir : 4 Chiffchaffs.
