Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, October 12, 2019

6th October..... Redwings Arrive.

The first Redwings of the Autumn arrived over our house this morning in groups of 2,12 & 4 heading west between 7-45 & 8-00am. Stewart also getting birds over his house at about the same time. Checked the fence line at Pednor in case any Chats were present, a Kestrel was using it as a hunting view point as it scanned the grass below.
Moved on to Liberty's Reserve were c60 Goldfinches seemed to be constantly in the air, a distant Chat appeared briefly on top of a Dock, I would have said Stonechat, but Stewart examined his images to reveal a Whinchat. A Kestrel hovered in the stiff breeze, at 11-10am 2 Swallows passed through heading south, followed 10 minutes later by 4 more on exactly the same course, in between times 8 Redwings went through heading north west, but us at an avian cross roads.
Further on 8 Skylarks were in a large field, all in two's chasing each other. Further on still & beyond the shelter of the trees the wind showed it's true strenght as 5 Buzzards circled at the end of a wood that pointed out into Wendover Dean, 2 Ravens were clearly enjoying the conditions as they part tumbled across the valley. Below them c300 Wood Pigeons fed on stubble, surely a bit early for such a gathering. Back in the village 12 Lesser Black-backed Gulls fed in the cow meadow.
The Redwing sighting being a day earlier than last year.

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