Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

More Migration.

24th September. Chesham Fishing Lakes : c80 House Martins feeding over Cresswell Road for 10 minutes from 10-30am before moving off south east, followed by flocks of 20 &10 heading in the same direction.
27th. Chesham Fishing Lakes : 56 House Martins moving up the Chess Valley between 1-20 & 1-45pm.
28th. Lee Common : Chiffchaff singing in the garden early morning, where a group of three Blackbirds passed over.
Pednor : A single Sand Martin hawking insects amongst c50 House Martins.
29th. Wilstone Reservoir : Twitched the Shag that had been brought down by the stormy weather. Flock of c100 Linnets near Wilstone village feeding in a tilled field along with a couple of Pied Wagtails & Meadow Pipits.
Wendover Dean : c30 House Martins moving down the Misbourne Valley.
Weston Turville Reservoir : 4 Chiffchaffs.


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