Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

20th October..... Sky Larks.

Before I left home this morning 11 Canada Geese went through south at 7-30am followed on the same route a while later by c40 Wood Pigeons. Spent 50 minutes down the track from 8-30am doing a spot of Migration watching, the high light being 14 Sky Larks; a single heading north, 2 north west & the largest flock I've encountered here 11 going north all birds directly over head. 11 Linnets headed west, 3 Greenfinch north, Sparrow Hawk drifted over mobbed by 12 Meadow Pipits, more Pipits could be seen on the distant fenceline at Lower Bassibones Farm, made my way round there picking up the 'scope on route, at least 20 were here on the fence & feeding on the pasture, along with a couple of Pied Wagtails, which seemed to be chasing any that remained to long on the fence, also a lone Yellowhammer.
The cattle field hosted a nice flock of Gulls, 18 Black-headed, 20 Lesser Black-backed & 2 Common, plus a couple of Pied Wags, flock of Starlings & Stock Doves.
9 Meadow Pipits were at Liberty's Nature Reserve, a bit of Starling movement over with 12 north, 4 west & 19 north west.
Came across these large Fungi:
If Stewart was here he would have identified them, but he's in Australia, by the look's of it he's havin' a Whale of a time:

21st October: First Fieldfares of the Autumn with c30 over the house at 8-30am heading south west.


Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

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