Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, October 17, 2019

16th October..... Link Road Bats.

A lot of concern has been displayed on social media in the last few days about Bats down at the Link Road where HS2 should have begun felling trees yesterday, with protesters keeping them at bay.
This evening I joined a small group for an impromptu Bat Survey, using a Bat detector fitted to a mobile phone, which revealed the presence of three species : Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelle & Noctule.
HS2 have performed their own survey & know the local roost sites, which they're understandably keeping to themselves. This may only be feeding habitat, but if you remove the trees, the food source is gone, likewise the roosts......... Goodbye Bats.
Around 15 supporters were here this evening, with plenty of passing motorists showing their love & appreciation as they passed by with  friendly toot toots.
If your're on Facebook you can follow Alan Budgee Woodward for live updates.
Had to chuckle at his comment about the haul road being the Road to Nowhere; priceless.


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