Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, October 20, 2019

19th October..... Link Road Protest.

Heard from a reliable source today that HS2 haven't a clue about the location of  the local Bat Roost sites.... there's a surprise. So could easily be in these trees, who knows.
Went down this morning to do a spot of tree decorating again, not to many folks there, guess there's no need with the Orange Android Army not working today.
Good to see the children dressing the trees as well, with one young lad there who my wife knows from her job at the local school, another fella came over from Chesham who coincidentally lives down the road opposite where we lived in our years in the town, he was checking it out as he intends to camp overnight tonight (probably there as I write this), as things start to get serious tomorrow.
Nice to talk to folks who obviously care about & appreciate the environment.
 You'd think with all these traffic cones blocking the junction folks would get the idea the road is closed to incoming vechicles, but no they still enter, with one car going in while I was there.


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