Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, October 26, 2019

25th October..... Link Road Protest Success.

Heard the good news while at work today, that all the traffic cones had been removed from the Link Road, with HS2 & the County Council in retreat for now; while they come up with an alternative plan. Just goes to show how peaceful protest by those that genuinely care for the environment can have a positive effect to the good of everyone. Must remember though that this is HS2 & they could be back at anytime.
It seems that HS2 are not allowed to do anything 'til they can produce an ecological report, having failed to do any Bat survey work at all. I wonder at how many other sites they are getting away with such behaviour??
All to often we see Trees & Hedges ripped up by developers, with no respect for the environment, only have to look at Lee Common where many Trees/Hedges have gone in the last few years. Councils & Planning Officers need to get tougher on this problem or the rural landscape will soon resemble it's urban counter part. Luckily we still have the Rec/Allotments which we entrust to the Parish Council to manage in an environmentally sensitive way.


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