Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

19th August..... Harvestin' (feeding the nation).

Now is a busy time on the local farms with the cereal crops being harvested, the contractor's working hours are governed by the moisture content of the crop, which usually means starting work late in the afternoon, once the sun's rays have done the business; carrying on 'til late in the night. I can often here the machinery on still summer nights droning away in the distance; as I turn in for the night. The day before I photographed these guys in action their shift began at 7-30pm finishing at 1-30am. Just think about that when tucking in to your lunch time "sarnies or sub"

This could possibly be the last time this field is harvested in such a manner, as it's due to be ripped apart, like many others in this green & pleasant land, to make way for the Super Fast High Speed Two train line, which it is said will bring growth & prosperity to an ever growing population, which will then require more housing to be built on this green & pleasant land, which will then require more farm land to be taken out of production.... which brings me to wonder how future generations will be fed? If you think governments now have to make difficult decisions, they can think themselves lucky they won't be in charge in the future.

All images Copyright : Don Stone.

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