Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, August 20, 2018

That was the Week, that was. 12th - 18th August.

12th Cyclamens starting to bloom.
13th walked down the fields early morning, only thing of note being a Kestrel & Bullfinch calling from the hedgerow. On returning home found the first passage migrant of the Autumn; a Willow Warbler feeding in the Silver Birches; while a Marsh Tit was in amongst a Tit flock. Goldfinches have begun banding together, with c20 at Hunts Green, where 3 distant Roe Deer were feeding close to a hedgerow. Later at dusk Stewart & myself found another similar sized flock of Goldfinches at Lee Common going to roost, where a Kestrel was also roosting in a barn. So the day ended as it began with a Kestrel.
15th a walk a dusk with Mike & Stewart near Great Missenden, only produced a Muntjac, Green Woodpecker & a Buzzard.It was also pleasing to meet a couple who are doing everything they can to encourage wildlife on their land, by planting new hedges & plenty of trees.
16th more rain fell today, the lawn is starting to green up nicely again, will have to get the mower out again at this rate. Meadow Brown & Holly Blue in the garden.
 17th usual bunch of Corvids in their evening pre-roost gathering. No sign of any Blackbirds in the garden for days now, as they are moulting as well.
18th a lack of activity at the nest of the House Martins with the second brood, seems to suggest all is not well, hopefully I'm wrong.

Copyright : Don Stone.

Copyright : Don Stone


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