Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, August 26, 2018

24th August..... Shardeloes Lake.

Haven’t visited the lake since the end of June & with it being exactly twelve months since I saw a Marsh Harrier here; thought I’d spend a few  hours by the lake; which proved rewarding.
Started off with a very confiding juvenile Pied Wagtail down by the cricket pitch. 

                                                                                                                                               On reaching the lake a pair of Great Crested Grebes were keeping an eye on two well grown youngsters over near the main island.

Further east at the water’s edge a Little Grebe was being kept fully occupied feeding two tiny chicks. The usual Coots & Canada Geese were spread out across the lake, with a Heron on the distant bank. Three Goldfinches flew from a bush as a Great Spotted Woodpecker flew out over the water, a Buzzard drifted over; as I worked my way along House Martins were hawking insects over the park land/water, I scanned them; picking out two Sand Martins mixing with them.
Arriving at the west end a Heron flew from a branch on the Sallows as a Spotted Flycatcher swooped out from it’s perch & straight back again. That’s another pesky insect gone!!  A spotty juvenile Flycatcher sat next to another adult begging to be fed, without any luck. A lone juvenile Great Crested Grebe swam about nearby; in the marsh area I found what was possibly it’s parent successfully fishing in the pool, returning several times.
The marsh also held seven Gadwall, Little Egret, Heron & a female Manderin Duck.
Walking back I came across another or possibly the same Little Egret out on the edge of the main island with a Heron in close attendance.
Back at the cricket pitch a Kestrel sat on the perimeter fence.

All images Copyright : Don Stone.

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