Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, August 9, 2018

8th August..... College Lake, Hobbies.

A good few hours at College Lake this morning and the first thing noticed was the lack Common  Terns after a busy and noisy breeding season. Only a few Black Headed Gulls present both adult and juveniles amongst the many Lapwings. Canada Geese everywhere, in and out of the water. On way to central round hide found this male Migrant Hawker, have tried to show the yellow triangle at the base of the abdomen. 11.30 we had  great views of 3 Hobbies hunting over the lake for 15 minutes. Too fast for me to photograph but managed a record shot. On our  way back as well as Common Blue Damseflies found a Ruddy Darter.

Migrant Hawker Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Migrant Hawker  Copyright : Stewart Dennis

Ruddy Darter  Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

Hobby  Copyright : Stewart Dennis.


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