Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, August 12, 2018

That was the Week, that was, 5th - 11th August.

5th Sprawky (the Sparrow Hawk) very nearly caught a House Martin in a kind of somersault maneuver about ten feet above the lawn, a few minutes later spotted him flashin' along the hedgerow a few doors down.
6th Red Kite feeding on road kill Wood Pigeon, only a matter of a few yards from passing traffic near Chartridge Lodge. Talking of Kites, some are looking a bit tatty at the moment as the go through the annual moult.
7th juvenile Bullfinch & Chaffinch bathing in the pond, young Buzzard calling nearby.
8th 11 Swallows hawking insects just above ground level early morning. Good to hear that the Hedgehogs in Amersham now have a youngster in tow.
9th Badgers have been busy overnight, turning over the bed of the dried up pond, they always do this at this time of year.
10th nice to have had a few days of cooler & wetter weather, replenishing the empty water butt to overflowing, should have enough now to water the hanging baskets into the Autumn. Water being an important resource possible more so than gas, oil & electric combined, use it wisely, without it we are truly.....
11th Raven over calling.

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