Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Saturday, August 4, 2018

2nd August..... Marsh Harrier at Shardeloes.

Had one of the best couple of hours at this site this evening 17:15-1915hrs.
As I was reaching the end of the first big field south of the lake I noticed what I thought was a Kite flying away below another Kite. I got the bins on it and could see it was uniformly dark brown and had a square ended tail.. It was clearly a Marsh Harrier, my first at this site. It was fairly low and heading towards the isolated lime trees in the next field but disappeared behind one of them. I expected it to come out the other side but it didn’t and a search of the area for the next hour and a half failed to relocate it.
The other highlight was a Teal in the marshy area with a pale green/blue nasal saddle. Unfortunately I only had bins and no camera so couldn’t make out any details and the bird was pretty elusive so will try again tomorrow.
Also in the marsh 2 Water Rails were calling, while along the south shore of the lake at least 3 Spotted Flycatchers were feeding.
A female Tufted with 3 almost fully grown juvs were on the water along with the Great crested Grebe juvs and a Kingfisher was on one of the islands.

Good birding

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