Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, August 5, 2018

That was the Week, that was.

All mundane stuff, life’s like that.

30th July Sparrow Hawk pursued by Swallows over Eskdale Avenue Chesham, also 2 Swifts, Michalmas Daisies starting to bloom, a full two weeks earlier than last year.
31st Blackcap “tacking” in the garden, council massacre the Allotment roadside hedge at Ballinger, could have left it ‘til the end of August, as it wasn’t going to put on any more growth, with birds & insects still breeding, it was maybe disastrous for them, have they not seen the government's landmark 25 Year Environment Plan?  (that’s how the man from DEFRA described it to me)….. It’s the little things that make a big difference.
August 1st Blackbirds still gathering food to feed their young, Green Woodpecker “ yaffling,” young Buzzard calling nearby, a pair of our House Martins appear to have a second brood judging by the broken eggshell below the nest.
2nd looks like another pair of House Martins also have a second brood, 2 Bullfinch, a couple of newly fledged Wrens near the house.
3rd first fungi of the season sprouting from the base of an Oak stump, band of Blue & Great Tits foraging in the trees.
4th House Martin chicks softly cheep cheepin’ in their nest, Mistle Thrush over, adult & Juvenile Green Woodpecker feeding on the lawn, Goldcrest has been singing it’s tinkling little song all week, noticeable that the grass is still nice & green in the shade of the trees. Juvenile Tawny Owl calling in the garden at 9-15pm.

Have these people not read www.gov.uk/government/publications/25-year-environment-plan
It'll never succeed unless everyone sings from the same hymn sheet.


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