Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, October 22, 2018

14th - 20th October

15th heard what I thought to be a Buzzard "mewing" close to the house early morning, which seemed a bit odd, so went to check it out & it in turned out to be a Jay, which I'd never come across calling like that before. Dead Badger at Swan Bottom. 15 Mallard grazing in meadow. Mistle Thrush over. Farmer blocks access entrance to HS2 works at Great Missenden, due to compensation payment not forth coming.
16th "warbling" Tawny Owl again this evening & 3 Bats hunting at dusk.
17th 60 Goldfinch at Hunts Green (Stewart). Sky Lark over Swan Bottom. Tawny Owl spent the last few days shut in a room in a nearby house after apparently falling down the chimney.
18th Raven at Ley Hill. Flock of c20 Redwings early morning.
19th c30 Redwings still around.
20th flocks of 8 & 22 Fieldfares flew through heading north west, 12 Chaffinch, 2 Mistle Thrush & a very ragged Speckled Wood. 2 Jays.

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