Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

28th October..... Winter Visitors movin' in.

As usual Jays are becoming a lot more visible this time of year and a regular sight in the garden stashing food in various places ready for harder times to come. Also Pheasants are beginning to come in looking for food underneath the feeders and good to see Greenfinches have found the sunflower seed. A fine male feeding while a juvenile looks on. A large party of  Long Tailed Tits passes through the garden at dusk most evenings now. Goldfinches still feeding at Liberty’s Nature Reserve this afternoon in the wild flower area and another group feeding on
Hawthorn Berries with around 20 Fieldfares and a few Redwings in a near-by hedgerow.

Found an unusual fungi on Tuesday, a variety of Boletus I think after trying to look it up.

All images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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