Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

23rd - 29th September.

23rd Sprawky bathing in pond.
24th 2 Meadow Pipits heading west over Chesham where a Nuthatch flew into St Marys Church yard; 2 Buzzards soaring above the town. Chiffchaff calling in the garden this evening.
25th Pied Wagtail & 2 Meadow Pipits over early morning. Looks like there may have been a frost overnight if the glistening fields are anything to go by.
26th Badgers still visiting; Grey Wagtail commuting between the river Chess & Lowndes Park, several times during the course of the day.
28th garden pond very busy with birds bathing, Meadow Pipit over. Joe Strummer 001 double CD released today; apologies for publicizing, but he's still an inspiration.R.I.P.
29th Badgers again & another frost. 4 Stonechats making their annual passage visit to Hunts Green; also 12 Goldfinches, Meadow Pipit & Sky Lark with many Lesser Black Backed Gulls in distant field. 3 Hornets drinking from garden pond in the afternoon.
Copyright : Don Stone.

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