Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, October 15, 2018

7th - 13th October.

7th went & "twitched" the Spotted Crake at Wilstone Reservoir this morning where I saw my first 3 Redwings of the Autumn. During the afternoon as I chopped up logs in the garden; Summer & Winter meet as 9 Redwings arrived (2 days earlier than last year) as a migrant Chiffchaff passed through; while a Speckled Wood enjoyed the suns rays, stretched out on some Birch leaves; also a Great Spotted Woodpecker & the  "warbling" Tawny Owl responding to another nearby.
8th pair of Ravens on patrol, a fair few Finches over this morning. Cormorant at Latimer. Great Tit on window sill, part of a large Tit flock in the garden again.
9th 2 Redwings early morning & more flying from hedge at nearby farm this evening.
10th Pied Wagtail over & a band of 8 noisy Long Tailed Tits passing through, 3 Buzzards over together, surprised to see a Brimstone in the garden. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Latimer. Did the annual job of  covering the House Martin's nests for the winter, protecting them from roosting Wrens which usually destroy them by the following Spring. The Martins had a bad breeding season this Summer only raising single broods from 5 nests; leaving 3 vacant, on a brighter note they did breed successfully on a nearby property. Nearby Swallows didn't fair any better with a single paiir only managing 1 brood, last year 5 pairs bred.
11th Mistle Thrush, 5 Chaffinch.
13th strong winds bring down Barn Owl nest site. 3 Redwings looking to roost nearby this evening. Sky Lark over.

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