Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

21st - 27th October.

21st a bit of Vizmiging over the local fields between 8-30 & 10-00am produced 385 Wood Pigeons heading west, 119 Redwings heading northwest, 73 Starlings west, 6 Sky Larks northeast, 2 Pied Wagtails, Meadow Pipit, 3 Chaffinch & a Lesser Black-backed Gull. Badgers visited yet again.
22nd never seen a Fieldfare in the garden during October 'til today, when one was at the pond accompanied by a lone Redwing, presumably travelling companions. A Red admiral soaking in the rays on the Oak, been very few here this summer. Mistle Thrush over. A Kestrel constantly harassed by 2 Magpies in nearby hedgerow. Two small flocks of Chaffinches searching the leaf litter in local woods.
27th encountered my first SNOW of the season on the Welsh Borders.

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