Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Peregrine Falcons in Aylesbury.

Many thanks to Mike Wallen for producing the following article & for the use of his photographs.

Until 2007 there had not been a recent record (probably at least 70 years) of Peregrines in Bucks in the summer months, then a young male took up residence on County Hall in Aylesbury. Over the next few years more Peregrines were seen and over the course of 1 winter 5 different birds were seen on County Hall.
By 2010 a purpose built platform had been built and installed on the top floor of county hall, located on the south-east corner of the building- this is very visible from the town below.
Between then and 2018 Peregrines have utilized this platform and bred on it with varying success, sometimes with just one chick, the maximum being 3.

Fledging is fraught with dangers and more than once Peregrines have been rescued from the streets below, or nearby gardens.
Camera's have been installed near the platform providing a fascinating, and sometimes very gory insight into the breeding of these spectacular birds.
Incredible to think that a species that was probably extinct in the south-east of England as a breeding species is now very much at home in many of our towns and cities.
To be able to be in the middle of Aylesbury and witness the worlds fastest animal just above your head is truly remarkable and exhilarating.

All images Copyright : Mike Wallen.

Here's a little bit of video footage I took back in 2012; best played at full volume to here the birds calling  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-6vCfJnkKU

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