Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, October 1, 2018

27th September..... Grey's Farm, Therfield.

Along with Stewart I visited Grey’s Farm at Therfield, Hertfordshire, a crackin’ example of how farming & wildlife can co-exist hand in hand; although intensively farmed with massive machines, there’s established hedges of all shapes & sizes, along with new hedging & trees; plenty of wild field margins approx 4m in width, plus game cover, with larger areas of set a side; all combining well to attract an abundance of wildlife.

The main purpose of the trip being to see the Pallid Harrier first seen here on 18th September; pulling in “Twitchers” from far & wide; we arrived just after 11am, but “Dipped” missing it by 20 minutes…… How ever there was plenty to see  the usual Buzzards, Kites, 4 Kestrels, a distant Peregrine, c20 Yellow Hammers, Skylarks, c80 Meadow Pipits, c30 distant Lapwings, 1 lone Swallow went through, a Wheatear popped up just in front of us, & on the butterfly front a Clouded  Yellow.

 All images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

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