Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, February 11, 2019

10th February..... Young Sparrowhawk Again.

Looking out this dark and wet morning, noticed this juvenile sparrowhawk sheltering on an old roller next to the empty bantie run.This was at 8.30 where it stayed until 8.50.
Surprisingly it flew towards me and landed on a terracotta pot underneath a bird table just 10 feet away. I opened a window slowly to try  for some photos, it must have known I was there, but there it stayed until 9.50.
When it flew a short distance to an old fork handle and left this at 10.05.
From there it flew off down the garden, but still in view. I left it thinking it would move on, but looking out at 10.50 it was back close to the house again. I opened a window again took more photos and the last photo was taken at 11.15 when it finally left.

Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

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