Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, February 24, 2019

24th February..... Singing Frogs.

Once again the pair of Mallards were on the ponds just after first light, thought I'd try my luck at photographing them, they were havin' none of it..... took flight.

Stewart & myself decided to find the Firecrest which Lee had located in a local wood earlier in the week, but despite a thorough search we drew a blank, only finding it's close cousin a Goldcrest. A couple of Great Spotted Woodpeckers were busy 'drumming'. Stewart caught a briefly glimpse of a Sparrowhawk, while a pair of Marsh Tits were a nice surprise with the male singing from the tops of the Beech trees as they moved through the canopy. An extremely distressed Roe Deer came hurtling passed within feet of us, as if we weren't there, with a Pointer type Dog in hot pursuit, much shouting brought the chase to an end.
Back at home a Raven proclaimed it's presence in the normal noisy manner as it passed over at high altitude, while down at ground level in the ponds during the afternoon sunshine the first three Frogs of the year attempted to tune up their voices ready for the Frog Chorus which should surely break out in the next few days if this warm weather continues.
The Robins are still busy with their nest & visiting the pond.

The Hazel stems are looking fine adorned with Catkins.

After yesterday's Brimstone, three performed above the lawn, enjoying the sun as much as the Frogs. Finally as the sun went down a  Pipistrelle hunted over the lawn.

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