Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

20th February..... Cuckoos are go.

Hampshire Cuckoo blazing the trail home
Our tracking studies have revealed that at this time of year UK-breeding Cuckoos start to leave their wintering areas in the Congo basin and move out into West Africa. This year, Hampshire Cuckoo Selborne is leading the charge. Selborne was named by the Hampshire Ornithological Society in 2016 when he was tagged in the New Forest.
On the evening of 31 January Selborne's tag showed that he was in  Ghana. Having spent a week there he headed west again, 687km (426 miles) into Guinea, overflying Ivory Coast on the way. It looks like his route into west Africa included a shortcut across the Gulf of Guinea, a sea crossing of 1,100km (689 miles). He is now just under 5,000km (3,000 miles) from his New Forest breeding site, as the Cuckoo flies. We expect the other Cuckoos to follow soon so stay tuned to the Cuckoo pages for the latest updates.

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