Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, February 18, 2019

17th February..... Nesting Robins & Pochards.

We have two pairs of Robins in our garden which have been posturing & posing to each other for the last couple of weeks. It seems the warm temperature of the last few days have now prompted them to begin nest building, as one was on the ground picking up what appeared to be fine hairs as I ate my fried eggs this morning, & flying into our shed with them (the hairs not the eggs).
Once I had eaten, met up with Stewart & began our mornings wanderings at Hunts Green where we found 3 confiding Roe Deer, couple of singing Skylarks & a 'kronkin' Raven.

Moved on to Weston Turville Reservoir to find a nice photogenic flotilla of 16 Pochard. Could only manage 8 in a single frame, as they were just to widely spread.

Accompanied by 19 Tufted Duck, 2 Cormorant, 2 Great-crested Grebe, numerous Coots, Mallards & Black-headed Gulls. A male Reed Bunting also thought Spring is in the air as spent some time proclaiming his territorial presence from a bush in the reed bed.

The 2 adult Mute Swans seemed to be giving their single offspring the hint, that the time had come to move out of home, as they aggressively chased it on the water.
On to the Kimble Wick area, where this male Blue Tit sang his heart out from a hedgerow tree, even giving a short display flight, as another sang from it's song post just down the lane. Also a nice flock of 17 Stock Dove, 42 Starling, 20 Red Kite, 2 Mistle Thrush & more singing Skylarks.

Returning back home we pulled in at Great Missenden to photograph HS2's WOMD's.

Images Copyright : Don Stone/Stewart Dennis.

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