Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Thursday, February 27, 2020

23rd February..... Shelduck.

Spent a couple of hours touring the Vale of Aylesbury checking out flooded fields for any waders which maybe passing through. First stop was the pasture at Wendover where the Little Egrets were on Friday, today they'd moved over the road, where 4 stood forlorn out in the middle, Friday's field still held 22 Pied Wagtails & c150 Black-headed Gulls, first Celendines of the year in flower here. At Western Turville Reservoir 8 more Little Egrets stood in the field below the Dam.
At Bishopstone we found a Shelduck taking advantage of a pool of flood water in the corner of a cultivated field along with 3 Mallards. Also present c100 Starlings, c30 Fieldfares, Skylark, with a Cormorant heading west.
Kimblewick had 2 Skylark, Yellowhammer, 7 Lesser Black-backed Gulls & c50 Black-headed Gulls.
Owlswick : 10 Yellowhammer.


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