Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Monday, February 17, 2020

Early Signs of Spring.

With the days lenghtening, we are greeted by our resident Robin serenading us before we rise from our slumbers in the morning, just a few weeks back he would be one of the first birds on the lawn, along with the Blackbird, as I scattered bird seed at the break of day. A pair of Mallards have been visiting the garden ponds for the last fortnight, they generally turn up a few days before the Frogs lay their spawn, this year they seem to have arrived to early, as no sign of any spawn yet.
Goldcrest, Great Tit & Chaffinch have been in song.
Elsewhere in the garden buds are breaking out all over the place on various plants:



Wild Plum is beginning to flower, even though the Bullfinches have been busy devouring the buds.
Elderberry is even leafing up.

Down at ground level Bluebells have been pushing through the soil since the turn of the year.


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