Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Dear Prime Minister : A Weekly Update.

Dear Prime Minister,
Thought I’d give you a weekly HS2 update for my part of the line.
Well it’s been another typical week, one land owner has blocked a gateway denying HS2 access as he hasn’t received any compensation for loss of earnings. Spoke to two more farmers, who tell me that HS2 won’t be paying them any compensation for the use of their land during the construction process, they’ll only receive payment for land that the line is actually built on, meaning loss of earnings on that portion of land for what ten years or how ever long it takes to build the thing. That can’t be legal, sounds like the actions of a communist state.
Residents in Great Missenden kept awake at night by the noise & vibrations from the Haul Road site during after hours working.
This is happening close to your country residence at Chequers in the neighbouring Misbourne Valley. Maybe you’d like to call by to see how they’re dealing with this on your next visit??
Plus the environmental destruction process continues at pace.

Yours Sincerely
Don Stone.

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