Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Water, Water Everywhere.

With unprecedented amounts of rain falling over the weekend on top of already saturated ground, there was only one place for it to go, down hill on to lower ground where once again it caused havoc for those residing near water courses.... but still governments are not convinced enough to acknowledge climate change, take it seriously & do something positive, they press ahead routinely destroying the environment with what Boris calls 'massive infrastructure projects' such as HS2.... the train soon to be leaving plateform one will be the super fast train to more climate chaos in the years ahead.
Meanwhile in the here & now :
Any slight dip in a field has now been turned into a  temporary pond.
All field ponds are all nearly full.
All ground burrowing creatures are mostly flooded out & moved to higher ground, even Badgers as evidenced by this flooded Sett.


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