Flooded Meadows at Old Amersham

Friday, January 11, 2019

10th January..... Bird Feeder.

Mid afternoon noticed the fifth species of tit in the garden, a Marsh tit and all at the same time on the feeders. Coal, Blue, Great, now Marsh and Long Tailed Tit although the latter were on the fat balls rather than the sunflower hearts. Noticed it’s feeding habit slightly different to the blue coal and great who tend to fly in take a seed and fly off whereas the marsh tended to stay and pick a few seeds and then fly off with a beak full. Robins getting aggressive in the garden towards each other, zooming around chasing each other and two great spotted woodpeckers drumming nearby.

All Images Copyright : Stewart Dennis.

1 comment:

  1. Squirrels are straightforward soul to attract and very difficult to rule out. squirrel proof bird feeder in the backyard are the ultimate example of this solution. You want it to melt effortlessly into the landscape, but it must be durable to accommodate various birds.
